... Project-X 19
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Small Action
Big Impact

Effortless. Anytime, Anywhere.

Sanitizer right where you need it.

Get one now

Reusable, Refillable, Sustainable.

X-19 wristbands can be refilled and reused over and over again.


Share the love.

Shop with a cause. We plan to give part of our sales to COVID-19 relief causes.


Stop germs before they spread.

Shop with 

a cause

We are dedicated to using our platform to make a difference in people’s lives, this is why we started Project X-19.
We will direct a portion of the profits towards supporting communities hit hardest by the pandemic.

You can help us focus our efforts by choosing which types of causes inspire you.

Meet the causes

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Emotional Support

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Care Packages

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“Anyone can change the world if they care enough”


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